ActBlue Poll on State Races
Date 2005/10/13 12:20:00 | Topic: Other News of Note:
| ActBlue is holding a poll to choose state races to which they will contribute. We think you should know. Act Blue is expanding so people can donate to candidates at the state level, rather than just the federal level. Act Blue has already made this possible for candidates in Virginia. The eventual goal is to expand to all fifty states before the 2006 elections. Act Blue has decided to hold a poll of net users to decide which states they will support next.
The Wolfe for Congress campaign thinks that you might like to take this poll. 2006 may be a very good year for Democrats around the nation, but it won't be without some of the hardest work people have ever done in their lives, commitment and contributions to worthy races. Thus, this poll, now. The 2006 Election Cycle started on November 3rd 2004, at least for committed Dems.
Click Here to Take The Poll
This article comes from WOLFE for Congress, New Jersey's 5th Congressional District
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